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FDE is a leader in Riser Tensioning systems for offshore Tension Leg Platforms
FDE provides custom hydraulic launch and recovery systems, static and dynamic clamps, High temperature attitude adjusters, hydraulic elevators
Petrochemical Plants
FDE saves lives by designing robotic hydraulic heat exchanger core removal tools, robotic tank cleaning systems, and oil contamination remediation systems
FDE designed the first automated control rod drive machines for Westinghouse BWR reactors, as well as hydraulic equipment suited for underwater cutting, welding, fabrication tools, and other robotic tools and systems
Laser Welding
FDE uses laser welded barrier coatings for steel used in the extremes of high temperature, abrasion, corrosion, vacuum, nuclear, marine, offshore and subsea applications
Fast Moving Land Rigs
FDE provides automation for drill rigs, rig up cylinders, mast cylinders, control panels and systems, self-elevating rig floor, automated pipe racks, internal and external pipe handling systems, and horizontal tubular racking systems